The very first photo in Lizzy Goodman’s recent oral history, Meet Me In The Bathroom, is of Stewart Lupton smoking a…
The very first photo in Lizzy Goodman’s recent oral history, Meet Me In The Bathroom, is of Stewart Lupton smoking a…
With each passing day, I mourn The Return. I miss it so much. It’s a gift, and may go down as one of — if not singularly — my favorite piece of tv/cinema/visual art.
Joe Pera has been around for about 5 years now and STILL he doesn’t get enough goddamn attention. I love comedians like Eric Andre who are funny through a constant stream of arbitrary intensities and randomness, but Joe Pera’s impeccably earnest and perfectly delivered style of humor honestly has no contemporaries. I…
Comedian Joe Pera is getting his own live-action television show from Adult Swim titled Joe Pera Talks With You, the…
Cant wait for this year’s extremely hamfisted episode about politics of Kimmy Schmidt
This doesn’t get me closer to a show called Undercover Brothers where Ron Livingston, Kyle Chandler and Jon Tenney play brothers who are also undercover spies, but none of them knows that their brothers are spies until the Vice President outs Kyle Chandler, but the others continue undercover.
As mentioned below and above, this is directed by Shake Black. Not Shane Black. Shake Black directed Ironing Man 3, which people tend to shorten to Iron Man 3.
Good ol’ Shake Black.
I take it no lesson was learned after the recent failure of the “edgy” King Arthur movie.
Wouldn’t it have been a little more interesting if Foxx played Robin Hood?
OK Dirty Computer Mind would be the ultimate Radiohead/Prince/Janelle Monae mashup album.
It’s pronounced Carne Asada.
I absolutely do say “sym-bee-otic,” and so will you if you want to live under this roof.
I have a “lunchtime membership” at a gym around the corner from the A.V. Club offices, which is a dressed-up way of…
Team. TEAM. I had gone to see Star Wars by myself when my kiddo was in school and I was already off work, and I’m sitting there watching this preview like oh that’s Chicago. Oh that’s Wacker. Oh that’s on my corner looking at Marina Towers. Oh there goes the gorilla DESTROYING THE LEO BURNETT BUILDING WHERE I WORK. I…
If you like going to Hollywood blockbusters—The Dark Knight, Divergent, and most recently, Rampage—there’s one city…
I’m going to level with you, stranger on the internet, because you deserve that much: I turn 40 this summer. I lead…
If there isn’t a JRRT branded pipe, there should be.
When they tore down the New Girl apartment, the set that had served as the emotional, narrative, and locational hub…