
Top 5 songs about shitty reboot ideas. Go!

Not everything’s a competition. These are funny and the ones that win are funny, as are the cartoons by their regular stable of cartoonists. All are funny. Everything’s funny!

You should read the intro again. Or even the headline.

As covered in the intro, all of that stuff charted.

Go fcuk yourself

I remember when music videos were promotional material - adverts - for recorded music on physical media. Now it seems the music videos are the premium content.

You guys need to unionize more often, this comment section is as close to pre-Kinjacalypse AVC as I’ve yet seen. 


How did Ernie the Kinja Tech vote?

We’ve decided to form a union here at Onion Inc., home of The A.V. Club and our sister sites The Onion and ClickHole.

It was a weird pairing to begin with. Donald Glover’s humor is light-years apart from the Deadpool movies, and he probably felt like he left that meta, self-aware stuff behind with Community. He wouldn’t do a show about, as he says, a “gun-loving white dude” and fill it with smirky DMX cuts and write lines like “Holy

Why’s that a bad thing? For me, the period when the 70s and 80s overlapped (say, 1978 - 1982) produced some of the greatest works of popular art ever created.


Everyone: BRICK!

“Atlanta is a hip-hop epicenter?”

Went for two 5 mile walks this week. The music:

Have you, uh, ever seen a Wes Anderson film?

You are very clever for asking.