
The crushingly low first day of limiting B&W three-panels after the freedom of Sunday’s full-color 1/4-page spread. Makes Jon cranky.

This is pretty much the exact opposite of correct on the lasagna front. While it’s okay when fresh from the oven, it improves on reheating when it becomes less soupy.

A full-time stay-at-home cartoonist would have no issues with Mondays; he works when he wants to work.

I saw it as the Incredibles takes place in the same time period Archer takes place

That’s a weird name for a supervillain but I’ve seen worse.

disappointed by some of these comments. Even I can admit this doesn’t look like one of Aarman’s best efforts, but even their less lavish works like Shaun the Sheep have more heart and charm than anything Blue Sky or Illumination could put out tenfold. I’d much rather pay for a decent stop motion film and support a

Hey, you take that back, Shaun the Sheep Movie is delightful! (But, yeah, A Matter of Loaf and Death, not so much.)

I will forever like Kingdom Hearts for the simple fact that while realistically it should never have gotten past the “instantly turned down during a brainstorming session” phase, it not only managed to actually happen but also got popular enough to persist for over 15 years now.

I play a lot of video games but, I’ve got to admit, I don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on here. This is the software equivalent of the “hobo staring at a bottle of booze and throwing it away” scene in a comedy for me.

It’s possible there’s a plot, but, if you want it explained, you’ll have to buy 2 or 3 portable/mobile releases that will trickle out over the next couple years.

Nonsense plotting?!? Please watch my 32 part Youtube series that explains the plot.

You should be out of the grays now.

I grew up listening to Steve Roach and other so-called “new age” and ambeint music as found on the Hearts of Space radio show (now a podcast I guess). It was mostly due to my father playing it across from my room in his art studio when I was going to sleep as a kid. I’ve always loved Roach’s stuff; it’s interesting

Next (and I say this as someone who absolutely loathes North American football), bring back Block & Tackle!

Hear This is (for now, at least) replaced by What Are You Listening To This Week?, but we are going to bring back Watch This on a more regular basis.

This is my absolute favorite Cohen bros pic. 

Watch This! Back from the dead?!? Hurrah!