
I miss when the AV Club still did music reviews

I joined the fan club a few years ago (oops, I’ve said too much) but I never used the free tickets. Out of the blue they contacted me just as this tour was being announced to remind me that I hadn’t used the tickets and that they’d put me on the guest list for the Cleveland show. I was completely flabbergasted. Se ya

Did anyone think this trailer had a few weird beats to it? I mean I get that you’ve got Paul Rudd doing Paul Rudd things, but if you’re trying to set a sense of suspense maybe leave that out of the trailer?

When the president starts doing racist impersonations of Asian people, demanding everyone pay attention to them at all times, and says the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time, will Jack Ryan look at the camera and shrug?

Not that I was the most mature geek when I was young, but today’s fandom is unrecognizable to me. I can barely imagine “shipping” a pair in any serious sense, letting alone feeling personally wronged by someone publicly mocking it.

I have no time for such immature behavior.

There’s a dark side to this reveal. We’ve never seen her as a Muppet Adult!


I wondered why AVC was taking so long to do a newswire on Smith’s death. Now I know, and it’s amazing what O’Neal whipped up on short notice.  A worthy tribute.  RIP Mr. Smith.

For all the garbage clickbait that floods the AV Club, I want to express appreciation for articles like this that are based on actual journalistic effort, and relay insights from a properly good movie critic. It’s frankly tragic that something like this counts for just as many “clicks” (if not fewer), then some

Aside from disagreeing with you that Arietty and When Marnie Was There are ‘Ghibli-lite’, Mike, I thank you kindly for reviewing this.

Businesses continue to be destroyed, millions are made redundant, the high street is virtually dead in many towns, warehouse workers are treated worse than lab rats, and Amazon continues to monopolize the market by undercutting rivals just so one individual can get even richer.

This news has finally galvanized me into canceling Prime and boycotting Amazon in general. To me, no one should have that much money, and no company should dominate like Amazon — I’m tired of enabling both.

This is my favorite comment.

He should get back to making more Venture Bros instead

So people took something that was perfect and made it unbearable?