
Looks like Kinja finally managed to transfer the last of our running jokes over from Disqus.

I got a Community notification for this?

Just rewatch Marble Hornets on YouTube. Sure, the production values and acting was sometimes limited, but if we’re talking about internet creepypasta, then amateur seems like the right aesthetic. Not to mention that the first couple parts before the meta search for the Marble Hornets director has some genuine chills

Don’t cut yourself on that edge!

This insightful comment brought to you by: Random dude.

2017 turned out to be a pretty good year for people named Doug Jones, whether real or imagined, so my plan for 2018 is to change my name to Doug Jones.

The essay hints as to why I never really got into LCD Soundsystem.

I’ve never really been “cool” (as if this needs to be said; I’m commenting on the AV Club after all) or attempted to get into any of the scenes. Part of that is that I’m still young (28), so of course I can’t really speak to the heyday of mid-2000s

i started watching frasier. my netflix is now just the frasier app. for a show that is ostensibly a comedy, it doesn’t make me laugh very often, but it is incredibly watchable.

Saw the NatLamp documentary recently (Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead) and thought it did a pretty good job of capturing the creation of the magazine and its times. It showed more warts of the creation and publishing than I expected. Sort of looking forward to this.

“Tell me, God...do you bleed?”
“No, I’m more of a metaphysical concept.”
“...you will!”

Alternate Movie Tagline:

Did God find the Infinity Stones yet or is he still just floating around on that stupid throne?

Spoiler alert: God dies. 

No, four is even.


He has that “post modernism and the internet has robbed us of meaning” vibe of a dank meme master, minus all the regressive shit.

Speaking of Twitter, any word on Zodiac Motherfucker? He’s been silent on Twitter for almost a month.

Another day working at the AV Club museum. People keep asking me if they can fuck the newswire. Buddy,