Who asked for this? Why do we want this? Especially now?
Who asked for this? Why do we want this? Especially now?
So, uh, how about this 2017?
Well, now that in joke from Zootopia won’t make any sense!
I can’t view this in Canada.
Why is it that every Mad Men style show I see in trailers looks so incredibly clean, like the entire thing is CGI? Mad Men had bright colors and a certain fashion sense and smoking, sure, but it didn’t look as clean as all of these shows. In case it isn’t clear, I am using clean in a negative sense.
I’m not sure what the punchline is in “...where lies the strangling fruit that came from the hand of the sinner I shall bring forth the seeds of the dead to share with the worms that gather in the darkness and surround the world with the power of their lives while from the dim lit halls of other places forms that…
Nope, if you are that concerned about a fucking sauce packet, you’re an asshole. You don’t get to be furious at a restaurant for not giving you a packet of sauce.
Having the fights take place a night allowed the movie to not look like a cartoon - this movie looks like a cartoon.
So happy to see the show back - and to find there’s a way for me to catch the Tetis on TV without a cable subscription.
It is, although at least around Chicago, a weird thing has happened recently... about two years ago there were approximately eleventy million pumpkin beers around, starting in August, but now I have only seen a handful. I had to go looking for Pumking because it wasn’t at our local big liquor-store chain.
I miss the AV Club.
Dear Mr. Kevin Pang,
I always point towards The Big O as an example of western themed anime, since it has very heavy western influences and the lead character has drawn more than a few comparisons to “what if Bruce Wayne had a giant robot instead of a batsuit?” I mean, you can’t get much more western themed than a show that has…
Blaine is a pain, and that’s the truth.
I put this in the WOT and got no official response, so I’ll put it here too.