I really enjoy the Kirkman segments as well, especially the one about 'Aires Magazine. "You know, like Larry Loman in that play Death Salesman."
I really enjoy the Kirkman segments as well, especially the one about 'Aires Magazine. "You know, like Larry Loman in that play Death Salesman."
Google Voice Theatre split my sides.
Amen, brother.
I hope that Tom and Paul are still friends, because they can be absolute magic together. But perhaps the apparent collapse of "Evil Genius" drove a wedge between them? Neither seems to follow the other on Facebook/Twitter these days; Tompkins alludes to some recent professional unpleasantness in his Mental Illness…
@fastandsloppy: Agreed. HDB is essentially me before I got married. I often worry about responding to his posts for fear that our conversation will rip apart the fabric of space-time.
So did you just become rich or something? Because from a Bayesian perspective, that 80% prediction seems a bit high… Unless, that is, you tend to cry and puke after fucking your New Year's date.
[cue Dixieland jazz soundtrack]
I've had that same twinge of empathy for Seacrest. It won't be long before he's Father Time and some other fresh-faced pop culture robot—possibly an actual robot designed specifically to excitedly count backwards—is Baby New Year.
Ooh, ouch. That scenario gives me the willies. I'm pretty sure only my wife knows my secret identity, but I imagine that some stalker could scour through my posting history, correlate that with savvy web searches, and construct some pretty accurate guesses.
So… You're interested in my postings and ingredients?
I don't know that we're that far off. No One Lives Forever is one of my all-time favorites. (Time was that I kicked major ass in its multiplayer.) I play relatively few shooters these days, but other favorites would include the original Halo, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Aliens vs. Predator (1999), Thief, Heretic/Hexen,…
I got some good laughs and thrills out of Bulletstorm, which is more than I can say for most other FPS I played this year, but I can't imagine returning to Bulletstorm in a few years the way I have with classics like Half-Life, F.E.A.R., etc. The designers didn't quite stick the landing on the balance of tone and…
I didn't much enjoy Tropico 3, but I bought Tropico 4 for my wife during the recent Steam sale and I'm actually getting quite a kick out of it.
Oh no, it's a high school bully, and it's out to finish the job!
I think he got confused by Burton's role as Kunta Kinte in the '70s epic "LaVerne & Slavery".
Sounds like a craft for help.
Never seen it, don't own the DVD, and it's somehow the only Trek film unavailable on Netflix Canada. No commenting fun for Herman. KHAAAAN!
I wonder if there's a possibility of a m-m-m-m-m-multiyear contract…
Then George grumbling in his car over the credits: "Yeah, well, the life support machine called…"
Committing murder with a ten-foot pole is just too cumbersome.