Herman Menderchuk

"Heuristic Algorithmic" also plays on the fact that HAL is somewhat at war with himself. He acts in ways that are typically impulsive in the human arena — i.e., committing murder outside of wartime — but actually the result of a rational and extensive decision calculus.

I also would have been happy to read the author's dissections of other scenes. I totally agree that good sound design makes all the difference in creating an absorbing atmosphere and maintaining suspense. You can close your eyes during this scene and still feel almost the full impact — apart from losing out on

I'm just (barely) into my 30s, but I've loved the early CT albums for years. I got into them after digging the first New Pornographers album and then seeking out their historical influences.

My wife doesn't believe me when I say that "Buddy Holly" has a strong white-flight subtext in its first verse. ("What did we ever do to these guys / That made them so violent?")

I'll tell you what they're going to have to do… Weez Odyssey.

Lover, Groupie, Stalker, Fan is my favorite late-period Le Carre novel.

A tradition of excellence…
…The Situation on "Bones", Eric the Midget on "Fringe"… Can't wait to see how they'll bottom themselves next. Surprise me, FOX!

Awesome. Even in low-res black and white, you can tell the skin tone doesn't match.

I think the screenwriting deal alone is six figures. Budgets for movies aren't usually set before the script is written, outside of very independent productions.

Are you sure he didn't expect change from his $20?

In Act 1, Scene IV, Romeo and his pals are shooting the shit, then Mercutio waxes eloquently about a fairy queen visiting Romeo's bed. He also has, according to Romeo, "dancing shoes with nimble soles".

Drunken Gymnastics
So he gets loaded and stoned, then starts flipping around that abandoned warehouse. How exactly does he not end up paralyzed or impaled on tiller blades?

I smell a collaboration. Doc!

I love Xenu. His disdain for Teegeeack makes me smile every time.

I never tried "I Write Like" before. One of my serious pieces was "Like H. P. Lovecraft", and one of my less serious was "Like David Foster Wallace".

Shut up, Airbag, you, you… Internet user!!

Don't want to be Protestant or Catholic? Split the difference!!

No change? Nonsense. I bet their tits have sagged significantly.

"Yeah, no plans for the evening, just gonna kick back with some Left 4 Dead."

Turn it off…. TURN IT OFF!!