
If you read the comments on the Newsroom from last year, I think we broke down and discussed the actual news brought up by the show pretty well.  I also think the commenters are better equipped to do so than the reviewer.  I don't really care what Sims or Adams or Eichel think about Troy Davis, I care about what they

I've never seen an episode of any of Sorkin's TV shows prior to the Newsroom, would count The Social Network as a masterpiece, and hatewatch the Newsroom both because I anxiously await the day that Social Network-Sorkin shows up and because I enjoy discussing it on these boards.  Does my anecdotal experience beat your

His presence was so integral to Dustin Hoffman's character that having to write out Farina would have dramatically changed the course of the show.  The ownership of Pint of Plain would have been up in the air, and more importantly, Hoffman would have lost the only person he could be honest with.

Read that last bit in Futurama Nixon's voice, loved it.

I'll bet there's a deleted scene where the officer offers Will some stolen Pez.

The Newsroom needs to retire the phrase "really good guy."

The difference between a scared "Hodor," a socially confused "Hodor," and a full-of-awe "Hodor" truly contains multitudes.

Leaves of Grass, my ass.

The OCD is just awful.  Now, it's a highly specific story about someone with a debilitating mental illness instead of the much more interesting and relateable story of a person of average talent reconciling that fact with her outlandish goals.

The last episode of Mad Men completely turned me around on the whole season.  It was easily going to be my least favorite season but now I have to reevaluate.

Because I know you, because I know you, because I know you.

Murder-suicide seems like the way to go here.

Just end the Simpsons already.

It'll be going up against Mad Men's final season which throws the whole farewell gift idea up in the air.

Anyone but Fonda.

I'm glad Dinklage got nominated, but he justifiably had less to do this year.  If there's always going to be a Supporting Actor spot for Game of Thrones, it was Costar-Waldau's this year, hand down.

Not in the face!

His name is Klaus Heisler.

Daddy's gone, and we're not going home ever again.
