What's Witcher 2 like? Saw a couple previews for it and it's been on my list of possible games to buy for awhile.
What's Witcher 2 like? Saw a couple previews for it and it's been on my list of possible games to buy for awhile.
I'm with you on the Earp's feeling unnecessary, though that's an interesting theory. I like a lot of their individual scenes, especially when Morgan shoots that Pinkerton in the leg, but I never thought their presence in general added anything, like I feel the con artists did.
Yeah, I worded that poorly. Should have said the ability to half-watch someone typing without seeing the screen and recognize when they make a mistake.
The ending works as a series finale, mostly based on the strength of the very last line.
All while listening to the other people in the theater guffaw. "Ted's right, she does have a white trash name!"
Thank you. I saw it in theaters based on it getting pretty good reviews, saying it was nothing like Family Guy, when it was exactly like Family Guy. Haha, Flash Gordon. Tee hee, racist Asian caricature. I was squirming with rage in my theater seat.
If ever a show was begging to be pirated, it's this one.
Replace Charlie with Sam Waterston, and your statement becomes much more accurate.
I'm betting on a Lara Logan-style rape.
If she's good enough for Paul Thomas Anderson, she's good enough for me.
I was a big fan. Like you said, the acting is great, the sense of place is evocative, and the story's pretty timeless, but I slightly prefer Side Effects. It's the difference between a B+ and an A-.
That's awesome. McKidd, Stevenson, or Purefoy would all fit in great as one of the many stoic males that get introduced in books 4/5.
It's not that bad. It'll fall into the King's Speech, Beautiful Mind category of fine, but forgettable.
A lot of those guys apparently are boycotting GoT. They think it stole the budget for their show, leading to Rome's cancellation.
Oh, Mr. K. We deserved more time with you.
You've never fought a giant robot in your life.
Dogtooth. The Social Network. I'd bet Zero Dark Thirty holds up, too.
Of the four 2013 movies I've seen, it's a close call between Side Effects and Mud. Side Effects gets the edge based on the sheer joy of its twists, and the lack of any overblown gunfights.
I fucked Ted…over by not inviting him to this delightful exhibit.