
Anyone else listening to B.E.E.'s podcast? It's a great mix of super-snobbiness, great guests, and more snobbiness.

Because Ken wrote "Figaroo", he must have known when the vote was 2-2 that he was safe. Would be interesting to rewatch and see if lets on/smiles, etc at that moment.

I'm confused. Stories from local musicians confirmed that the singer whom you thought sounded like another singer (who was the same guy) was correct?

Overall plotting, yes, it did expand the universe. But the "playing to the fans" aspect was stupid. "Tune in to see who gets bludgeoned!!!!!!" I haven't seen internet fandom affect the writing of a show this much since BSG's "Final Five". TWD writers should note how BSG went to shit after their writers went down that

And really, they have no need at all to follow the comic book if they choose not to. It sells just under 100,000 copies a month. The show has around 16,000,000 viewers.

I think it's more that the writers went too far in this episode, after the teasing last season, and people are annoyed. I thought the episode was the writers jerking people around just because, and lettingfan service control the narrative. Terrible idea.

meh. There are less than 100,000 comic book readers, no way to tell how many are viewers of the show. They could fire a big middle finger to the comic book readers and barely notice in the ratings.

You just don't get us. This is like Christmas.


Weird. As a long time viewer and comic book reader, I found this episode cloying and eye-rollingly bad. The whole thing was played up for the sake of the fans, and that's NEVER a good narrative choice.

What did she say when you finally stopped?

Come ON!!!

How GoT has won any writing Emmys is a fucking mystery.

Kate stopped being a candidate when she "became" a mother. Higher duty and all that.

Everyone dies eventually.

Who the hell actually believes that? (Just people who only watched the first season).

It's almost like it was a story about both Men of Science and Men of Faith.

The Candidates were certainly not "nothing".

Thank goodness there are those who try to punch their way out. How boring would life be if we didn't.

Weird. THe Extended edition made the film longer indeed, but solved many of the complaints about it making sense. Of course, the theatrical cut made sense to me, so it might just be your issue.