
That season should have been THIS season.

Was the plan from the start to make the 5th season completely fucking stupid? Cuz I feel like that must be the plan. You don't reach this level of garbage by accident.

This season was a train wreck, the only thing this episode did was clear the palate for getting back to what was good about the show. If we never have to talk about the foundation, or the book or the presidential library again, it'll be too soon.

But if they gave us more politics and election stuff, how would we have time for endless Claire mooning over Tom scenes?

House of Cards! A strong first season, then increasingly ludicrous plotlines until you're begging us to end the show!

Yes. The nastiness used to be an under current, a note in the song. Now it's upfront and blaring.

This one was like a B, B-. This whole season is a bit off key, like we're waiting for things to get interesting, or at least change somehow. I think the idea to take the show out of the White House was a big mistake, everything is a bit lacklustre and "off" somehow.

Shit, now I have read EVERYTHING you post? (grumbles to himself) I'll clear my calendar.

The brightest moment of this season was the opening scene of the first episode. It's all been a long, dull, slog to the end.

Yes. Weird time jumps over the interesting parts to give us more endless Claire mooning over Tom and such.

Or she lied. Is it really that hard to understand?

Here. Present. In this moment. Not looking ahead or elsewhere. Just… here.

Feh. GoT isn't fit to hold The Leftovers' towel.

Except when she lies. The nun later in the episode calls her on it. In fact, pretty much everybody in this episode lies. It's about lying.

A smarter ending would have been for Richard to buy the copyright to the song the patent troll's song was based on, and take his money.

They shelved Gavin Belson for this shit?

I finished Season 5, and it just.kept.getting.worse. Would like to see how this turns out, but not sure I GAF enough to bother.

Hate watching doesn't even come close to describing it now. More like, fast forwarding through endless Claire and Tom scenes, waiting to see if anything changes with the main plot. It's clearly past time for the House to start falling, and (no spoliers) it ain't happening quickly.

Because it's just reading water with unlikeable characters right now. It's never hit the heights of its first season, instead slowly sinking into the morass of mediocrity. As the writers throw more and more laughably wild plotlines at us to keep the show afloat, when it's pretty clear we should be heading for home

Third movie: Let's assemble the biggest fleet of pirate ships ever, and the biggest fleet of lawmen ever. Okay ready……… instead of fighting, we have 1 ship from each side fight in a whirlpool!!!!!