
The pics of Liz's staph infection are shocking, and her cuts didn't look anywhere near as bad as Neal's.

It was likely being monitored, and at/before/during the challenge, they probably made the call to remove him.

Again, even Liz's "minor" infection was super nasty.

Here's some pics of Liz's infection, Might change the way you feel. And hers wasn't even that nasty looking during the show.

(Points with mouth agape)
Look everyone, Dowd LIKED something.

Yeah, but the initial issue is laid out in full in Man of Steel. Laid out extensively. Still not getting your point.

Winter Soldier had some decent scenes, but suffered from the New Marvel Way: Adding new characters that bring nothing to the film, and ending with a 20 minute long action piece that gets boring before it's done.

Meh, it all held together. Are you saying that in order for you to enjoy BvS, you needed a number of films to precede it?

That was just….so mediocre.

Most of us had no trouble following the plot and narrative of BvsS. If Civil War is anything like Age of Ultron though, I'm passing BIG TIME. That movie was a turd.

After which, a very patient accountant and lawyer showed him his paycheck, and his contract.

It does.

Fair enough, I just get tired of that kind of bullying.

You still haven't answered my question. "How is Mirage's opinion any less fantasy than yours".

They do. He doesn't like the idea of someone more powerful than him existing.

Twitter seems full of people who have already gone twice. The chasm between reviews and social media is fascinating on this one.

You're under the impression Super Hero movies are made for kids still.

It's laughable that you call anyone that disagrees with you a troll. You seem to believe that anything you say is fact/proven/right, and anyone who disagrees with you is living in a fantasy, as opposed to say "having their own opinion".

No, Mirage replied to your comment, you got all snarky with him/her "project your fantasy", and I pointed out that his/her opinion seems just as valid as yours.

I'm asking because it seems like you're being a dick for no particular reason.