
It just makes you a poor judge of quality. Season 2 is near the top of the list. Now season 5? That was iffy at best.

I watched Blended a couple of days ago. I was prepared for a giant piece of crap, based on the reception and reviews. What a got was a decent, kinda funny Rom-com. It wasn't terrible.

It's Snow Crash for people who need reading to be easy.

Agreed. LOVED Hickman's FF, found his Avengers, well……boring.

I have a shirt that says "Indy Shot First".

I'll take a shot at this. Iron Man 3 wasn't a bad film, but it was a boring one, and a movie without much to say. It was simply….forgettable. By the time the 34th armor suit showed up at the end, (along with super Gwenyth, I'd pretty much had it with the nonsense.

Or claim that watching 2 minutes of each episode = watching an episdoe.

Not a song, but my 6 yr old and I love to repeat "Fossils….DUN DUN DUN..(rewind sound)….

Dude, the Logo even highlights it.

Whatever you do, avoid noticing that their respective heads are shaped like the first letter of their names.

"I don't know what we're gonna do tomorrow, Ferb."

This was a movie I thought I liked, until I rewatched it recently, and discovered how very very wrong I was.

There will be a full episode in which the main character tries combinations of tones of a keyboard.

With time travel in play, it might be possible to bring the pre-Thawne Wells into our present. Somehow….because….comic book.

What I'm saying and what you're refuting are different things. Zod went to Smallville to find Kal El, but the Us military started the demolition rolling.

Not to mention Zod pretty much straight out says he plans to exterminate all humans.

Fast 8: Mogwai Highway

The ultimate "Fridge Logic" films.

Man of Steel takes a lot of crap for that, but the vast majority of the damage had nothing to do with Supes, other than him trying to stop things. The US military are to blame for the Smallville showdown, and Supes was busy saving the planet (in South Asia) while most of the metropolis damage occurred.

Why not break this insanely long list into a few articles (by month?). Oh, and kudos for making it longer still with a super-funny Entourage gag! Is there nothing you guys won't skewer??