Fist Fights

Such a good finale.

Such a good finale.

I know they needed it to happen for story purposes, but after seeing how easily Tilda killed that grown man in the first or second episode, I can't imagine that skinny little Colt would really work her over like that in the dungeon.

I can't get over how bad the actor playing MK is.

Leslie Jones is not funny.

Priest: "….speak now or forever hold your peace."

I listened to the song "Geronimo" anytime that was on the radio.

Carly Rae Jepsen's LA Hallucinations got a lot of plays.

I think season 3 is supposed to take place a little after the events of season 1.


I share the same opinion with you on TPAB. No replay value for me either.

Not sure I listened to 10 new albums this year so can't contribute much of a list here in the comments. A few of the albums I really enjoyed were:

Good call on Rodeo. As far as hip-hop albums go, I dare say I enjoyed it a lot more than TPAB.

I was surprised with how much of the Carly Rae Jepsen album I enjoyed. Was expecting excellent singles and the rest to be filler but that was a pretty solid record.

I like To Pimp a Butterfly well enough but it seriously pales in comparison to Good Kid Maad City.

She's also very beautiful but I was talking about the red haired Baroness. I've only been half watching this show so perhaps I'm mistaken in calling her the Baroness. I believe she also goes by The Widow, too.

I've had this show on in the background since it first aired so I've only been half watching but if remember correctly there's just a truce between the barons to not use them.

I still don't know what to make of this show other than that The Baroness is extremely gorgeous.

Interstate Love Song is still one of my top 5 favorite songs to play on guitar. Can't say I've delved too far into STP's discography but I've always loved Weiland's voice. It's a shame he's passed.

Very happy to hear this then. Not that leaving it out would've stopped me from seeing the film but I would've found it pretty inexplicable.