Fist Fights

Sir, the man will pay full price for the French press, or I will, however, be willing to barter with you for a very long time.

I think there's still a lot of great rock bands emerging. Philadelphia has a ton of awesome bands coming from there.

Nah, I'm skrait on this.

Wait, really? Would love to see that.

No, he didn't assume anything about Jon. What he actually said was something like, "a Targaryan alone in the world, with no one to protect her." referring to Dany whom Sam had just told him about.

This was possibly brought up in earlier comments but does anyone think there's significance to Tormund and Davos in episode 9 talking about maybe their mistake was following Kings and now they're doing that exact thing again one episode later.

The value was Jon Snow took a Sammy Sosa swing and smoked a dude 10 feet off his horse.

I suppose there is precedent to that. I think the Baratheon's got their family name that way but it's possible I'm misremembering.

The Boltons are without a doubt extinct. Unless Sansa is pregnant which I've seen a couple people throw out there but I'm not personally one of them who believes she is.

Thank you for confirming that Jon, did in fact, kill two men who were fighting each other. Now my question, not that it makes a difference either way, was if those were two confused friendlies fighting each other and Jon realized that or if Jon himself was confused.

The birds eye view shot of Jon in the middle of that pack after almost being smothered to death was like the bizarro version of Dany at the end of "Mhysa". I thought that was a cool touch intentional or not. The show version, more than anything, seems like a story about Jon and Dany and I like that those two scenes

I think the north still might be okay.


Cool to see some gameplay footage for this finally. Looks like it'll be a pretty fun game just hope the overall objective is more than just kill the kids and you're done. The teleportation thing looked like it could take some if the challenge out of it but I'm sure it's not a feature that has to absolutely be used.


By Rob I think you mean John right? I'm with you on that, though. Like, I know it's not the least bit realistic but I wish John would just laugh and taunt Ramsay to his face like he's Ric fuckin Flair or something.

I'll never forget where I was and how I felt the first time I read that Harold story as a kid.

"I think there's a little little finger in her but we all know little finger wants more than that."

The Vorhees thing occurred to me as well.