Fist Fights

Bobby Brown theme or GTFO.

I like this theory, to be sure, but it doesn't necessarily jibe with Aerys' behavior before his death as far as we've been told.

God, that was sitting right there for me and I didnt think of it.

My friend and I had to watch the episode on a leaked stream after finding out his HBOnow account wasn't working. Afterward we both admitted to initially thinking the penis shot was put in by whoever uploaded the video as some sort of penis-rick-roll.

Thanks for the reply, man. Unfortunately I'm not in the UK cause that play sounds like a fun experience. Was not aware there was a play previous to this one. Going to have to read up on that one as well as the links you provided.

I thought Skagboys was great as well. The Allison (I think it was Allison, I don't feel like checking my book right now) were boring after a while but other than that I enjoyed that book nearly as much as I enjoyed Trainspotting.

I would like to know more about this play. Did it follow the plot of the film closely or were their deviations? How was Renton's OD done?

I've got a sweat on my back like a layer of frost. I need to see the Mother Superior for one hit.


Aww, hell naw, wassup, dog?

To be fair, no I haven't. I have not seen the show this article is about.

Saw Tompkins and two of these puppets on @midnight and was completely underwhelmed. Was left wondering what in the actual fuck Tompkins thought was so funny about those puppets.

I think that was supposed to be Arthur Dayne or another member of the Kingsguard there in the preview. Unless they've changed it for the show, Rhaeger had already left for the Trident by the time Ned and Co. arrived at the Tower of Joy.

Yep, the other brother is Aeron Damphair. They didn't name him but I believe that's who the priest that was talking to Yara in tonight's episode was supposed to be.

Hey, hey! The Hound was ready and willing to rape the corpse of any man who died with a clean sword!

I came out of that scene realizing at some point someone had to go down there and change the chains on those dragons. They were smaller than they are now when Dany first brought them down there.

I realize I should be sympathetic towards Olly but that recognition is undone by my love for Jon Snow. Love makes ya do and say some crazy things.

I mentioned this in an earlier comment but I believe the point of his death and resurrection is that it fulfills the "Azor Ahai reborn" prophecy as well as technically letting him out of his oath with the Nights Watch.

I'd have preferred Olly being the one smashed against a wall.

My two friends and I went wild when he gained consciousness. This show has made perpetual doubters out of all of us so when the music reached crescendo and Jon was still dead we were all sure it wasn't going to happen this episode (we all agreed before the episode that we probably wouldn't see his resurrection until