Fist Fights

Damn, that was awful. I really don't care for mash-ups, though.

*Sees F rating*

Was surprised to learn that Fred Savage, the director of many Always Sunny episodes, is The Wonder Years Fred Savage.

Poor wee Dawn.

Yep, it is a prequel to Trainspotting. I mean I suppose it could be made but it would have to be done with different actors for obvious reasons and that is one of the least appealing things I can think of. There's some boring chapters with Alison in Skagboys but besides those I probably enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed

I really liked that book. I'd have to imagine Boyle would prefer to do Skagboys instead of Porno were it possible. It's a little more convoluted than Trainspotting but could've still been turned into a good film if they trimmed some fat. Some great monologue opportunities as well.

Do you think they'll even get the chance for a trial by combat though? Under Beric, sure, but Thoros, iirc, tells Brienne that the Brotherhood is a whole different monster under LSH who just seems hell bent on killing anyone she feels wronged her, fair or not. I'd have to read the encounter again but weren't they just

I enjoyed Brienne for the most part but if she really goes through with setting unnamed POV character up and getting that person killed I'll be disappointed. That character has been one of my favorites in the books.

Yep, I'm with you. One POV after another of her being paranoid about the House of the Undying prophecies, swooning over Daario, and learning fuck all about ruling. Selmy is the only person I've enjoyed in her storyline as of late.

I can only hope it means that Dany dies because Dany fuckin sucks.

The few Dream Theater songs I've heard were shit as far as I'm concerned. Obviously a few songs isn't a fair shot but they just struck me as a sanitized Tool with technical guitar playing boners.

I think the band's humor is underrated, to be sure.

Edgar Winter Group - They Only Come Out At Night.

No one. No one wants to watch Maria Bamford explain anything.

His take on Pennywise will undoubtedly be some shitty rehash of Heath Ledger's Joker in different makeup.

Yep, missed that one.

The real question is whether or not he's got the, 20 inch blades on the Impala, to match the Shot Caller persona.

In the trailer before the season he appeared to be fighting in some colliseum at one point.

Bronn and The Kingslayer sure to be another classic Game of Thrones duo.

Isn't Stannis kind of screwed now after killing Mance? I can't remember the exact dialogue but he seemed to imply he needed Mance's army if he was going to take the Iron Throne.