Benny Motherfucking Profane

I'm fifty or so pages into The Trial, Donald Bathelme's Flying to America sits on my nightstand, Saunders' Tenth of December awaits me at my local library, as will Karen Russell's Vampires in the Lemon Grove next week. I'm liking my reading itinerary for the year so far.

Indiana Pacers center Roy Hibbert is a fan, so I choose to pretend that Jon got amnesia, moved to Pawnee, Indiana and entered municipal government. Anything else is far too disappointing.

Are you sure it's not VODKA?!

As a lapsed Cavs fan it has been unbelievably great watching Kyrie evolve. He could be the best PG in the league within four to five years. Hopefully, he'll still be in Cleveland when that happens.

The Warriors would destoy the Rockets in a first-round matchup. (Christ, that prior sentence might be from the early 90s.) And I for one am glad to see the Warriors being as chippy as a JVG Knicks team. As horrible as Jackson was as a commentator, he certainly has some coaching chops.

"Oh, right now we're called Various Artists, just to fuck over people with iPods. We think it'll set us back two or three years, which is cool." — Jeremy Usborne

Marvel is knocking shit out of the park lately. I might see this in a theater now.

Thanks for the heads up, I just finished reading it. I love those guys, such a great mix of humor and self-deprecation in every catchup. Also, they're terrifically nice, and I have many post-its of appreciation from the band, procured whenever I ordered a shirt or album, along with a drumstick I got from a show they

Not that I know of, sadly enough. Although someone claimed in the MBV newswire that Gil Norton was recording with the Pixies, as we speak. Sounds dubious to me.

I count six.

Same here. I got drunk enough that I showed up to work two hours late.

Dear the Wrens/Neutral Milk Hotel/Pixies,

What does BMO have to do with this?

Neutral Milk Hotel! Or a solo Jeff Mangum album. But unlike MBV, I don't really see NMH or JM to ever release another record, which sucks.

Seriously, this is an episode that I will point to when people ask me why I still watch Portlandia. Also, after watching on Saturday night and desperately trying to download the new My Bloody Valentine album, the whole internet provision that Mayor Roseanne Barr proposed is so fucking oddly prescient.

Mine are fucking legion.

Rubio, Rose and now Rondo. If your point guard's last name starts with an R, watch out.

You guys hush. We were talking about big-boy basketball…

I like to think that it was because even for a stoic Brit, Thomas always had a stiff upper lip, rarely ever reacting emotionally (except generally in anger, and almost always only in the presence of O'Brien). His tears were revelatory for a character that desperately needed some humanization.