Benny Motherfucking Profane

So as everyone knows, 2016 has been a shit year. These past two months I've lost both my WWII veteran grandfather AND my paternal grandfather within three weeks of each other. Compound that with a Trump presidency (and all the requisite fear I have for the safety and well-being of all of my LGBTQ friends and family),

And Madlib. I think they're a much better duo than Danger Doom, by miles.

Uh, what about Madvillain?

Feist has apparently dated a lot of BSS'ers before. Didn't hear that she and Kevin were dating again.

I wholeheartedly concur. Just saw them in Philly a few days before the DNC, and even now they are incredible live (they even played Hometown Unicorn from Fuzzy Logic, and the Man Don't Give a Fuck!). I will never understand why SFA doesn't get more love.

When isn't Cinco de Mayo?

There are literally five dives within a five minute walking distance of my apartment in Akron. I guess being a (smallish) college town helps.

The first time I had sex with one of my exes we were watching MST3K and Crow called out, "…and don't forget to iron my work shirt!!". We both started dying laughing, naked and with our body parts all tangled up. If this site can help me find another woman like that, then alright, but otherwise it sounds insufferable.

Woah, Swag Onion sighting!

One of my best friends is transgender. Fuck anyone who thinks transgender = sexual deviant.

Well poop. I feel bad that you have Malcolm Tucker withdrawals. That being said, fuckity bye!

It's on Hulu, bud.

Do we know each other?

The biggest laugh I ever received was in junior high at a Christian high school. The teacher was droning on about Absalom, and how he was riding a donkey and got his hair tangled in a tree and was later disemboweled. Out of nowhere I said quite loudly, "I'd like to buy a bowel." And now I comment on the AVC, forever a

Ugh, online dating is truly the blurst. I just hate the whole preamble. That being said, I have a date this weekend, and she seems alright. I can't even imagine how awful it is for a woman though.

How many woods are you often in? Wait, don't answer that.

I know, right?! Now if only my hand wasn't mad at me for not getting it candy and flowers on Valentine's Day, I'd be golden.

I've been waiting forever for Yeezy to work with Madlib. I could never hate it just for that fact.

These pretzels are making me thirsty!

Here in the colonies we call them a banger in the mouth.