
Chris Ultimo must be happy today.

My Year of Flops — Broadway edition?
I'm waiting for the Nathan Rabin verdict: is it a "Fiasco", "Failure", or "Secret Success"?

Ask your "Doctor" if Advair is right for you.
Does BBC America advertise anything besides prescription drugs?

Netflix Instant
Just saw that "Still Bill" is on Netflix Instant. Added.

A career nonetheless
I look forward to seeing James next year in the touring company of "Rock of Ages". You know it will happen.

I had the same problem with "Patton" — there were no subtitles during the many German-language scenes. Odd.

Thanks, added.

Baby, check this out, I've got something to say.
Man it's so loud in here.

Restrepo is on Netflix Instant, if you want to check it out.

Too bad, he looked good in blue.

What's the hidden trick?

I always thought Mark Hamill.

Final season?
My kids watch it, it's a fairly dull but inoffensive little show.

Dying man?
Did Sellers really know he was dying? My understanding is that he died from a heart attack, one of several that occurred over many years/decades. But it's not as if he had advance knowledge of a terminal illness.

I thought maybe I had gotten unstuck in time.

Record store clerks
And the record store clerks are once again victimized.

Yes, this sounds completely MPDG.

Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart, for the win.

Pet Sounds
I've tried hard to love Pet Sounds, but I just don't. I even bought "The Pet Sounds Sessions" box set containing outtakes, instrumental versions, and interviews with nearly musician involved. And while I appreciate it as marvel of 1960s production, I've never really taken to the songs themselves.