Prestor John MD

Oh wow, looks like he's toast.

There's an interesting podcast called Untold that's all about a single crime: a British private detective who got murdered with an axe in the 1980s. Lot of interesting twists and turns, plus first-hand interviews with some people who are pretty close to the case.

I like Casefile a lot but I feel guilty about how it confirms my assumptions about what Australia is probably like.

Well, since we've been dealing with cartels and corporations already, the next logical step is into governments. By series end we'll probably have the Chileans in the mix as well as the Germans (Madrigal).

No you are correct. This is a guy who can cook meth to what, 99.6% purity or something? Figuring out exactly how many mashed up berries to put in this kid's PBJ to make him almost almost die is a trivial problem.

I am having a bunch of t-shirts made that say HANK KNOWS

Maybe there's something wrong with the new house that Andrea and the kid moved into . . . radon gas? Black mold?

If you re-watch some recent episodes and consider the possibility that Hank has known everything for quite some time, it's possible that he's act just the way he's acted. I'm not saying he absolutely nows, but the writers are definitely leaving that door open, and it wouldn't surprise me at all. Why hasn't Hank acted

I think they could totally pull out an episode where it's revealed that he's known for a while. If he has suspicions, or even knows that Walt is involved, what better way to test his theories than to have Walt drive him around to various possible crime scenes and test his reactions? I think it's entirely possible Hank

Because if anyone slightly more competent than Hank started looking into the White family, the whole thing would come out in an hour.

I'll bet he took it just in case before Jesse came over for dinner, and I'll bet he was puking like a teenager as soon as Jesse was out the door.

They could do a whole episode on that, maybe they're both gonna die without medical attention and he has to choose whether to just let them (with Walt on the phone no doubt)

I noticed when Marie is helping Hank into the SUV, Hank says something about a rock show and Marie says "I knew these minerals were just blah blah". Thought it was funny because of how insistent Hank was on the phrasing a few episodes ago. When Hank was shielding himself from her with the minerals, she resented them.

Extracted in this case is probably referencing the shot where he took it out of the old pack and put it in the new one.

Well, they could have the company's missing money suddenly appear during the audit, along with some reasonable explanation for why it got filed in the wrong place. The IRS is happy, and Skyler suddenly has a much bigger engine with which to launder money. I think this is the way it will go, Skyler's insistence at the

"I wonder what this giant company Gus is part of is all about, since it and his past seem to make him untouchable."
I'm calling it now - Gus's South American connection is that Madrigal Electromotive finaces  all the escaped Nazis from WWII living in South Amercia. Los Pollos Hermansos = Nazi Gold.

Yeah this is how it starts for Skyler. When she starts to pay Ted off and lie to Walt about she'll be that much closer to being like him. Flynn is the only White who's not a total piece of shit, but that's only because he doesn't have a car yet!

Is he dead?

"As anyone paying attention to the ongoing series of lawsuits that pit DC Comics and Warner Bros. against the heirs of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, co-creators of Superman knows it's a mess."