Prestor John MD

My favorite emo record
Hoover: The Lurid Transversal of Route Six
check it the hell out

This whole round of board game movies, slinky movies, whatever, would have made a lot more sense in the eighties because we could have blamed it all on coke. Now . . I just don't know what to think.

I saw it on a Netflix double-bill with The Wrestler, and now I can't tell them apart in my memory. Both were pretty darn good.

It's high time for a "dark and gritty" Pooh reboot.

How am I NOT myself?

You gotta wonder how these guys have played hundreds of live performances without acquiring even a passing familiarity with the concept of sound as a physical process of air molecules being pushed around.

I just played the demo today, or should I say I just plaYED the deMO toDAY.

Electric Dreams!

And how was he able to execute so well while being constantly distracted by the antics of that scraggly white-garbed hobo?

I may be wrong, but you ain't bad. In fact, you ain't nothin.

How is Sir Ian going to know what words to say, or where to stand?

now THAT is a BIG DOOR

Somebody post a torrent link for that Bowie Homo Fem program

Frank Black

Any Salvation Army store you enter will contain at least two copies of Frampton Comes Alive on vinyl - they have to, it's in the charter.

You know what was scary . . the subway sequence from The Wiz with those fucking striped puppets that go

I'd watch it.

Just wanna say if you have not yet torrented a copy of "Tha Carter", the motion picture, you really should. It's kind of our generation's Don't Look Back.

ah found it, this guy:

I only just the other day got this double meaning