
And speaking of—we're coming up on the 15th anniversary of Phil Hartman's death this month. Damn.


If they end up developing him into the usual heterosexual tween/teen (and that's a big "if"), he may knock Bobby Hill off the pedestal of "queerest straight boy to ever grace television." And I'll love it.

I'm going to imagine he got into them thanks to A Fish Called Wanda.

While I think that "Urban Fiction" as a genre/label doesn't HAVE to be problematic, I do cringe imagining the possibility of black folks' in rural Alabama or North Carolina being directed toward the Urban Fiction shelf when looking for literary representations of "their" experience. Sigh indeed.

That was a dope bonnet.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I really love both your comments in this thread. The perception of certain demographics as dominating a space can be just as climate-chilling (maybe even more so) for those not in the in-groups than any objective difference in the numbers. That perception can become a self-fulfilling

I know this CD is still somewhere in my childhood home, but I have absolutely no memory of any of the songs mentioned in this writeup or in the full tracklist I just looked up on Wikipedia. 
But I do remember "Brother For Sale."

I imagine AVC folk are best at empathizing with "clever" white dudes with educational/cultural advantages, i.e. rich parents.

Just reading this thread compelled me to open up Off the Wall so I can listen to the bass line of "Burn This Disco Out" again.

(harmonica riff)

I heard George Segal, but maybe my audio-memory's off.


I dunno, the cloud and tornado machines at our local life and science museum were enchanting in their way.

It's really kind of disturbing just how superb he is at reading Flannery O'Connor.


You're all wrong. That's Edward Rutledge, Delegate of South Carolina.

I enjoy the bird's non sequitur British accent.

That's actually exactly what I did, except because of this episode I also checked the last line. I put in so much effort, but about two-thirds of the way through I just couldn't take it anymore, no matter how many Accelerated Reader points it was worth…

See, I couldn't take all the vomit in that one. (But apparently I was fine with electrocutions…?)