
Mr. Business!

Or "Swiss cheese."

Ernest Goes to Jail/What About Bob? for me.

I only watched the first season and thought it was thoroughly mediocre. Most of the characters really annoyed me—flat, good for making quips, but otherwise uninteresting people. Plus the godawful moral-at-the-end schtick they stole from Full House.

Depends on what explanation one offers. If it's "poor people r so dum and have terrible taste ha ha," then yes, that would be bullshit; if it's "people who are in/aspire to a certain class status consume television that is supposedly better, partially in order to demonstrate that they have 'superior' taste as befits

Until now I had forgotten that TLC stood for "The Learning Channel."

She certainly spoke for at least one other person—my own mom is all of the things you listed (except she watched those teen soaps back when it was "the WB").

Can we talk about Sally and what's-his-name's chat at the urinals? Is she running as an independent with the hope of playing a spoiler, siphoning Kudrow votes (because all lady voters like all lady candidates, doncha know) so that Fitz will win reelection? Siphoning Fitz votes so Kudrow wins? Scandal's national

Bingo. It was actually a surprise to me that AVC was covering it in the first place, because it's certainly not the kind of "I'm smarter than you for enjoying this" prestige television that many AVC folk prefer. I'm glad to see it here, though.

Scandal's GOP is such a bizarro-world version of the real GOP that I don't assume anything about the dominant cultural/social views of the Scandal-GOP base until stated directly by characters, e.g. Cyrus's remark about Olivia not flying as FLOTUS because of her race.

Scott Foley at the dinner. Dem medals.

I dunno, can't we have both the conversation and her crime simultaneously? Not to say I think the last twist was necessary—I initially thought she did it, so for me the conclusion was telegraphed even though it went the long way around to get there. I thought going in the "she tells the truth about how she hates him"

Yeah, in some ways the show's approach is the 'ideal' way to do it (for we critical-of-society folks)—the show asserts that these social patterns exist, but people use them all the time, and it's realistic that Pope and Associates can and would use every social bias at their disposal. The Good Wife is also skilled at

Is resurrecting Lou Rawls an option?

Heck, we can't even afford to fix the dent in the gym floor where coach had his little fit.

…Football! I'm listening.

Wait, how could anyone hate Sarah Vowell?

Dale: "You didn't have to drive me. I wasn't gonna play hooky on my first day."
Hank: "That's not what you told Bobby."
Dale: "Your boy's a liar. And a blabbermouth."

Agreed, @avclub-95266da9313a7ff77098ebbaa0a7772e:disqus. I'm a liberal/feminist person who grew up in North Carolina and loves KOTH. I think it's a reasonably effective creative response to liberals/Northerners who write off conservatives/Southerners as singularly hateful and stupid people to whom they could never