
Back when I was in College it was that damn Gregorian Chant, all those fucking monks singing til all hours!

Well it isn't terribly ridiculous since domestic beating is awful, whereas there isn't anything wrong with two girls kissing.


+5 Points

Wait, Carlos Mencia is Russian for comedy?

Sigh, now I am sad
I always enjoyed Mr. Martin, but I am honor bound to obey the decree of the great tvclub.

I like how the question about whether or not QUHZK is a word arises when they put a K on the end, and not with the original QUHZ word.

Hey he was in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective! He's show-biz brother!

God what an awful fake accent…

I disagree,

Another good example, in the Mall scene in Terminator 2, Arnold has a shotgun mixed in with a box of roses.

Release the Kitties!

The theater wasn't empty, just *mostly* empty. He was whispering to the person sitting next to him, and the whisper was unnaturally loud in order to achieve a comic effect.

Oh my god… I am going to write my wife a Valentines Day card like that… that is the best idea ever.

Nathan's first two sentences are basically what I say whenever some responds to my statement that I movie is terrible with, "but it has hot chick X in it." To feel that we somehow need terrible movies to provide us with softcore porn is an insult to all the softcore porn enthusiasts providing that shit for free on

I don't know if I find your comment insulting, or if I don't know if I find your comment insulting, or if…

I'd watch if they had a blindfolded girl kiss Ernest Borgnine

I don't want to ruin the show for anyone, but I predict that some light may be made of Ozzy's unusual speaking style.

What's with all the SAT style analogies for this article?

When I went to see that movie with a buddy of mine, the theater was mostly empty by that point in its run. After the part where Neo and Trinity have sex, and they are laying on the bed some guy sitting a couple of rows in front of me stage whispered, "his penis is still inside of her!"