
Or just brie. Mmm so tasty.

If I ever make these, I wouldn't use Claussen. They have too much of a distinct garlicky flavor. Vlassic seems fine. Although I do love Milwaukee Pickles.

The thought of the water slide baby factory made laugh way too loudly in public. Thanks Roy!

Yeah Mitchell's outfit was boring and sloppy (less beige would help…), but I agree with forget_it_jake. It was nice to something not a draped dress and acknowledge that most pregnant women do stuff that's not going to an evening event.

I totally agree with you Commander. A lot of the designs that came out there were the same- comfortable fabrics draped over a pregnant lady. It was very much everyone admitting "I've never made maternity clothes so I'm going to play this one safe."- which is fine and dandy- but it's boring.

Yes people watch the VMAs, and yes, they are younger than you. I remember that in my first semester at college, my R.A. corralled all of the residents on the floor to watch it. My friends and I subsequently left for a party on a different floor.

Are you talking about Kenilworth Square Elitist Trash?

I find their regular items (the plain shirts) are pretty good, and they hold up well. Also I totally agree Harbinger- I've never had the leggings, but the opaque tights are great/ hold up longer.

Ellie- I don't understand how your roommate just hears noise when she hears The Pixies. That's very sad. Also, I'm excited about the possibilities of a Bossanova tour.

You had control of your life at 19 Washington? Really? Kudos to you I guess.

apostrophe, I had the same thing happened to me. I'm pretty sure Redwall was my favorite book when I was eleven (which really made me look like a loser in middle school when everyone else wanted to read Harry Potter and I didn't). Then I lost interest soon after.

While it's undeniable that Jordon Catalano was hotter than Brian Krakow, I always had a soft spot for Krakow. But I've always liked nerdy guys.

You and me both lovemydog.

Way to go Quirk- if you're going to drown in shame, just go all out.

How else is he going to remind you that the D in Dane really stands for douche?

I read an interview with McHale in which he said that he was still going to be doing The Soup along with doing this- which I was glad to hear.

Fhtagn you are not the only one who knows Korean!

Elitist Trash, I always thought that was funny too.

My brother goes to school out west, and he told me that it was more popular out there.

I wouldn't mind being friends with Lily Allen- as we agree on fashion, she's a trainwreck and just out to party. That said, I'm pretty sure we'd be calling each other "Fat bitch" in a matter of weeks. I would make her cry.