
FeverDog is right about James Spader and Annie Potts though.

I agree with Basil. It's pretty solid for what it is. But I enjoyed the Vengeance trilogy more than JSA.

Apparently, Molly Ringwald would have been okay with the original ending of Pretty In Pink if Robert Downey Jr. didn't drop out from being Duckie.

I liked it too.

Theater of Blood
I remember seeing "Theater of Blood" in eighth grade when our substitute teacher couldn't find the Poe adaptations for our class. She said "Eh, this is English related" and threw the tape in. That being said, I love Theater of Blood.

Michael Cera isn't too ugly, but Charlyne Yi is ugly. So it's alright by me that they're together.

Chiaro, or that he has an Asian fetish.

mad, my brother showed the trailer to me last night and said "what happened to Peter Jackson?". So yes.

I thought the book was alright. Not great, but it's decent.

My cousin had a rat tail when he was growing up. His father hated it which is why my cousin grew one- that and because his mother was still bitter about the divorce.

The Addams Family of Products- I haven't watched a lot from Top Chef Masters; but from what I've seen, I definitely am rooting for Lo for the reasons you stated.

Ditto Riff. The first time I heard that song, I cried a lot. And "Battery In Your Leg" is a fitting end to Think Tank- and not just because of Coxon.

I graduated with two other Jennifers in my class. My class was about 150 give or take. So three is a fair amount. There were more Ashleys (or Ashleighs) though.

I remember both Sonic cartoons, but the first animated series was always on. So I rarely saw the other one.

Spaz is right. Chicago winters that bad. There is worse.

And you failed. A lot.

Oh phodreaw- that made me laugh.

I'm pretty sure they do Fats Pinto.

I think they're shirts that people buy at TJ Maxx thinking that they got a good deal on "designer" wear.

Dollar Bill, that's so ugly I can't even describe the hurt that my eyes are experiencing from looking at that shitty shirt.