
Battle Royale and Hunger Games are the same when considering their basic plots- i.e. kids are forced to kill each other, the survivor is named champion, etc. However, they're very different in nature. I happen to prefer Battle Royale. It's extremely visceral; and unlike reading Hunger Games where I never doubted for

Korean romanization doesn't seem to actually match up with actual Korean pronunciation.

I'm sort of with Monsieur Lecoq on this. Whenever somebody happens to be in their nineties and dies, I don't really question what they die from because I usually assume old age is a factor.

Also Wilco obsessed and all of my friends seem to use that in their description of me. Although as a collector, I might be a little on the sad side as my only Wilco prized possession is an original pressing of Summerteeth vinyl I magically found at a record store prior to the re-releasing of A.M.-Summerteeth.

Growing up listening to Depeche Mode, I was always really into Depeche Mode, but it wasn't until sometime in my first year at college where I got really obsessed with owning Depeche Mode records. At the time, I also ended up accumulating a lot of Depeche Mode stuff like the old VHS tapes (Strange and Strange Too) and

My family, also being hardcore Brewer fans, were absolutely psyched when they made it to the playoffs. That said, my father told me, "I just don't want to wait another twenty some years to see them in the playoffs again."

I probably should have known that I was going to be a pop culture nerd just based on the fact that unlike other girls my age that liked the Spice Girls and Hanson, I really liked The Smiths and The B-52s (and other bands supplied to me by my dad and my aunt). But that didn't really occur to me until middle school

I owned a 1987 Volvo station wagon up until two weeks ago. My brother drove it for a couple of years and did a crazy amount of damage that resulted in me having to charge the battery every night because the alternator didn't work (despite being a new alternator). After having my brakes fail on me, I decided that I

kthejoker- Same here, I really like Suburban Kids With Biblical Names. Their last ep was really enjoyable. Just all around nice twee pop.

Probably because she's got tits.

Not much to say except, I'm with Harbinger and Donna on Rieslings.

Great choice Mongo. One of my friends uses that scent too. It's very nice.

I was with my family when I saw Fantastic Mr. Fox, and I remember seeing the look on my parents' faces. It was the sort of face that said, "Fuck. Do we really need a movie on babies? Ugh".

I find it rather enjoyable. They had an imaginary friend that was basically a Morrissey head talking in Smiths' lyrics.

*Shrug* So?

I think I'd be disappointed to see what ZMF looked like because the mystery would be gone. But then again, are you good looking ZMF? Then you can have rum and coke with me anytime.

When I read this article, I thought, "Chang's in Milwaukee? Can someone hook me up with Chang?"

scottandwtb- I don't know how you can stand Chang- but kudos to you.

Oh, Canadia- my younger brother and I could not help but giggle when we heard the pronunciation of Regina- which made me feel sad and immature.

I also loved the "I feel about as useless as a mom's college degree". Probably my favorite line of the episode- but I might have to watch it again.