
Parma Police- that was amazing.

Agreed on the Joel McHale crush. Seriously didn't know he that built… Mmm….

I always wanted to read it out of curiosity, but I never could bring myself to actually getting the book.

When I worked at a library in high school, those Amish romances were really popular- probably way more popular than anyone would expect.

I think it's funny ElDan. So I assume they don't want to let you know that they think it's funny.

ebbv is right. When you first start manual, it's frustrating, but after wards, smooth sailing my friends.

I still think you're a wuss Modell- really you don't like stick shift?

From what I've read about him from his books, he probably couldn't fight you, but he has the potential to beat you down.

Otto- it's widely used in the Midwest as Jaslioko points out. Although I always hated people who said "pop" when I was younger.

urgh- I meant to say that jumpsuits really don't translate well in real life. Maybe I haven't found the right jumpsuit.

I think it's confusing since Annie mentioned earlier in an episode about losing a scholarship (and her virginity) at something which I assumed happened at college. So I was assuming her character would be like 20ish. I can't buy her being 18; although I can with Troy.

A friend of mine that was a film student and I were talking about this a couple years ago, and she said, "well Phillip Seymour Hoffman pronounced it as 'bio-pic' in an interview, and so I'm going to assume that's how you pronounce it." So that's how a former roommate and I decided to pronounce biopic.

TomWaits- totally- my brother was telling me at Costco you could get a season of AD for $15, and they were buy-one-get-one. This was crazy to me since I paid like $40 (or something like that) for seasons 1 and 2 when they came out.

I always wanted those yellow jumpsuits Urgh. I thought they were ultra cool, but there's like a small amount of women that look alright in jumpsuits.

LLanley is right. It's a pretty awesome area- especially if you like geology.

Sam223- that possibly was one of my favorite lines of the episode.

Still, for some reason I can't get around James not knowing that being on the cover of Sports Illustrated is a big deal. I don't really follow sports, and it seems like it would be a big deal.

My problem is Amelie is late on this hate- this microwaveable bag o' rice has been out there long enough that there's generic microwaveable bag o' rice. I've already been pre-disgusted Amelie.

Steve Dave- are you kidding me? We're talking about Cymbals Eat Guitars here right? Because I saw them a couple weeks ago, and they were ultra shitty.

I'm totally with you Wax Tadpole. They're in Chicago- it's not like they can't brave a Super H Mart to pick up some soju and have themselves a taste test.