
Thank you Satan Avenue, I forgot about how much I want to punch Ben Affleck in the face. That smile is a little too smug for my liking.

I never said any woman would actually wear those. I wouldn't. I like my skinny jeans.

If memory serves correct, in that podcast with Simmons, Klosterman said he was 6'3", but he's most definitely a big guy. Although Rabin just mentioned above that he's 6'2". My heart says Klosterman though.

Hey Physics Girl- you'll see me there at the reading (if I'm not working).

I mean "for us ladies".

OTP, you just need to look at the Bagg'ns website. There are bagg'ns for the us ladies.

Willard41, I'm sort of in the same boat about Michael Jackson- I don't dislike his music. But I hate it when people look at me like I'm wrong to not care that Michael Jackson died.

Ditto. Plus Devo played Muffy's Bat Mitzvah.

Ellie- I get freaked out for similar reasons- that and the screaming and excess bodily fluids. I never did a lot of babysitting when I was young because of it (and other inane fears).

It's a sad day when you don't find CGI babies not creepy. They really creep/freak me out. Then again, real babies also freak me out.

Fredhuggins- I was wondering why it was so shitty tasting. Normally I don't mind sugar free sodas- but shit, A&W Diet Cream soda is really bad.

It just feels like Amelie is a little late on the acai hate though. If she put this up like last year, I would be like "yeah I know what you mean", but now I just think she's jumping the hate bandwagon.

Hey King Bastard, fuck off asshole.

Existence is right- these should have looked dumber, but they only look alright. That being said, you are stupid for buying these at $700. The designs will trickle down into the form of lower end shoes that you can buy cheap.

Hey Hammer! I was there too!

paintedwaco, I saw Spoon yesterday, and they were great. I talked with Britt Daniel and Jim Eno afterwards, and Jim was saying that they were actually going to bring horns and go all out for SpoonX3. So you're lucky.

And sorry to double post, but Gobias, they most definitely played the Pabst and not Riverside.

I was pretty tempted to go for the shooting over by the Pabst, but I had to work. Seeing that cover makes my heart swell with a little pride though.

I don't know if there's anything wrong about pining for the sounds of the former albums, but I do get annoyed when that's all a person can think of or say. To me, Wilco isn't even the same band now as it was; and to ask them to give me YHF (the sequel) isn't going to accomplish anything when they've departed from that.

Oh man is vegamite terrible. I think for me, I can't get past how salty it is in combination with the actual flavor of it.