
Actually I felt that the B was an appropriate grade for this album- maybe B+. I definitely like this album way more than SBS which is crazy as I seemed to remember really loving SBS when it came out. But I agree that the second half of Wilco (the album) is more even.

Jerusalem- the thing is though, this record doesn't feel like a return back to YHF or AGIB. It sort of sounds like SBS mixed with Being There. Maybe that's just me.

Or any child performer- Just ask Mich… the rest of the Jackson clan.

Sad news
Also, I frequently see commercials about people dying from overdose on these patches and some lawsuit relating to it. It's unfortunate that Jay died from it as well.

Yeah Amelie's voice seemed way nicer than I expected. She seemed way nicer than one called "The Hater" would be presumed to sound like.

I actually really loved Show Your Bones when it came out, and I think I still do. As for Karen O's singing/shrieking, her singing is not bad; but like WWYND, I find her shriek way more interesting. My parents like it because it reminds them of Korean game shows with old women singing/shrieking out of tune.

Margie, I really did enjoy Years of Refusal, and a friend of mine who is a huge Morrissey fan totally agrees with you that this album might be his best in years.

I'm glad you liked it Gauntlet.

S. Jerusalem, I want to accept the fact that YYYs will never be as raw as they used to be, but I really can't. I still hold on to that hope.

Don't forget the large amounts of teenagers Cobra. There were tons of teenagers and frat types at the show I went to.

He does have a Luke Wilson thing going on in this trailer.

Harbinger, if you think that's bad, AA is trying to bring back shitty floral prints. I want to punch someone in the face for that.

I don't know if Megan Fox has a soul. Have you seen her eyes TomWaits?

fuck off mbs

I have to say
Real cute dress Genevieve. I want one myself.

I don't know if I can compare Pulp to Blur. Even though both are great, they're great in different way.

I was so excited to hear that they were reuniting but disappointed at the fact that they weren't making it over to the States. So I hope they come this way too.

I love Think Tank, but I don't think I can say that Blur sans Coxon is better since my favorite song on that album is "Battery In Your Leg".

I think Bebop would be rather cool. And just think of those space mushrooms! -or not.

I like the sea salt and cracked pepper ones. And on a side note, before I saw this taste test, I was thinking about making a run to the grocery store to buy some Kettle Chips.