
They probably also didn't realize how grateful they should be considering this wasn't the local Catholic priest speaking at a public high school graduation (I'm talking about you my former high school!).

Not so interestingly enough, I was about to mention "Fireworks" as my summer song. That's also a song that seems built for summer.

Dude Spotter is absolutely correct. A majority of the guys I run into fit that look.

Ditto. Although that summer I also had this huge Stone Roses period.

Oh man, I was really hoping to see that Riff.

I don't know. I seem to associate Interpol with winter. It takes me back to this wintery day with my friends, and it was snowing when I heard "The New" playing.

MurrayTheSkull, my brother said that this movie was one of the only movies he's ever cried to. Pixar just knows how to pull at my heart.

Either way- they were creepy to me as a little kid.

Shit Lurker! I was totally going to mention Ernie Von Schledorns! That might be my favorite jingle.

They were singing? It's been awhile since I've seen those commercials.

I'm pretty sure I was the only one crying in the theaters about the death. The kids in the theater didn't seem to be phased by it at all. But some kids are more sensitive than others.

FYI, the short for Up was all sorts of adorable.

I just saw Up, and I was already crying within the first ten minutes.

I was always under the impression that Jones and Strummer were on equal footing.

I'm with you Riff. "Strangers" is probably my favorite Kinks song.

I always get Stein's jingle stuck in my head with the commercials featuring those animated birds flying to Stein's.

When Menards guy came back, I remember my dad saying something "I glad they brought the old guy back. I hated that girl."

I don't know if I actually liked this solo compared to the first solo. I actually liked his debut solo which took me a while to like. But this new solo album… I don't know. I think I need to listen to it again.

But she thinks you're a total loser.

Where is this going to be? I'll need money from the banana stand if I have to travel to it.