Supple Like Sloth

Actually, according to the commentary, it was in the script, but they didn't have enough money to shoot it. So, before they released it on Laser Disc, they got Lambert and filmed it in a parking lot over a weekend. It actually fits in well, considering it was shot years after.

This might have been my favorite episode. The minute Archer saw the ocelot, I knew it to be true.

Page 3, And No "Council of Elrond" yet?
I started reading the LOTR trilogy every summer from the age of 10. But, until I was about 18, I had to skip over that damn council every time, because I never would have finished the books otherwise. As a pre-teen/teen, I just wanted the fighty bits and the magicky bits. It was

Shhhhhpeed boat.

Or Harrison Ford in K-19 The Widowmaker…. *shudder*

You may have heard me say…
I wanted a lot of eggs and bacon.

Cary and Alicia on the Phone
That pause where neither of them hung up, and then Alicia asked how Cary was doing…

Am I In Love With The Army?
God I loved him on Parks and Rec.

Richard & Fabio in Barbados…
…would be the greatest '80s buddy-P.I. TV show of our generation. Get on it, FX!

Worse —they make you wait for the end credits… 1.5 hours that I could've just skipped past, if I'd known.

It's almost a good movie. It doesn't know if it wants to be a whacky, raunchy comedy, or a slightly dark drama. It doesn't quite work as a black comedy, and doesn't quite work as a quirky drama. Not a waste of time, and some good performances. Oddly, Carrey & Macgregor really do have good chemistry together. Certainly

I Love You Philip Morris.
I rented it from a video shop in Tokyo the same day it was released in American cinemas…

Dammit. I love both of them so much, the thought of other men touching them makes me sad.

I'm going to agree with legally concrete up there.

I so wish he and Joan had a morning show a la Regis and…whatsherface.

"Nonce Equador" is my favorite latin American beer.

I believe his license had been suspended, too.

@Karla: That part really struck home for me, too. I remember being in a meeting at my company that eventually led to a male co-worker saying "Well, I did always want to have the dress Madonna wears in Material Girl." For the life of me, I can't remember how we got to that point from sales projections…

Noel, I Just Wanted to Say…
How much I enjoy reading your work. I'm too old to have caught this show myself, and I don't have any children, so I'm not up on what the kids watch. And yet, I was completely caught up this article.

I'll yeah to the fuck yeahing fuck yeahs!