Supple Like Sloth

A little love for "Gone In 60 Seconds" would have made me smile, too.

And Once Again…
The Core goes criminally unrecognized in a Random Roles…

@Montypark. I read this, and I agree. I've just started watching the series from #1, and this has been my favorite overall episode up to this point.

I would just like to say that I am enjoying this exchange tremendously, and wish to add it to my RSS feed.

Dammit. I was thiiiiiiiis close with "TV Dinners". Do I at least win a copy of the home game?

James A. Garfield on Cribs.

Carla's happy dance in front of the judges' table was my favorite moment of the season so far.

"TV Dinners"

The important thing is that you spent a lot of time thinking about it.

Omar's comin'!

Also, someone must have let a new editor into the room tonight. Mike and the Ladies getting their own title cards at the beginning of service was hilarious… like Oceans 11 about to go so, so wrong.

Where the hell did that footage come from? John Teti would've had a great line about the producers saying "Quick, get Fabio another turtle!" and having a film crew flown out to his home at the eleventh hour.

Marcel in the Quickfire.
What, no mention of Marcel redeeming everything he's ever done on the show by snatching Tom's ingredients for the Quickfire? Say what you will about him, that was an ingenious move.

Like a pyramid scheme, or did he Amway him?

Screw the Galapagos. This is evolution at its peak.

Mine too. I get an annual Christmas card from my parole officer, but I think he's just messing with me.

I would pay good money for someone to make a .gif file of Padma stopping traffic in that dress.

The cover of Milton's book made the episode for me, especially the witch.

I think it's awesome that he can play the same conceited character…
…in Circle of Friends and Josie & The Pussycats, and yet make it work for each film. He's up there with Clint Howard for immediately making any movie he's in more watchable.