Supple Like Sloth

Late to the party, but I am so thankful you transcribed the entire speech. I just snorted coffee out my nose.

That album is an entire mine of deep-cut-earworms. I was standing at Angkor Wat watching the sunrise in February and my friend said "What the hell are you humming?" —it was "Only You Know and I know"…. Thank you, Phil Collins for ruining my lifetime dream pilgrimage…

I believe this person, but I also trust them.


Also, "Benedict General Store —Traitor"
The graffiti on Mags' store was a nice touch. Nice to see Harlan County residents have loooooong memories.

Direction and Staging
Scott, you do such a great job getting to the themes and motivations in each episode. But, I really want to stop and point out just how fantastically framed and shot this particular episode was. The placement of the actors near windows and doors for most of the episode really ratcheted up the

Baby can't you see?
I'm calling a guy like you
Should wear a warning
It's dangerous….I'm fallin'

Nancy Allen is Awesome..
That is all.

I am so happy his role in Hackers gets the love.

More like Ayn BLAND, amirite?

I don't get i….WAIT! I DO! I DO GET IT!

"Of course you do."
Whatever you say about Wynona and Raylan, that line made perfect sense to me. I've been there myself. I like that their relationship seems "disconnected" from everything. That's how relationships work. We don't choose them.

Margo Martindale Emmy Moment
A lot of people might say her Emmy moment was at the town meeting, but that diner scene was the most electrifying conversation in an eating establishment since DeNiro/Pacino in Heat. And, I'd give the edge to tonight's scene. Margo is an insanely good actress.

He does always seem like such a nice guy in interviews, and on Mad About You. But, always at the back of my mind, all I can think about is that he totally screwed over Ripley and the Space Marines.

Angela Lansbury?

Plus, some great call-back gags: Archer's tattoos, the choke-bot, etc.

I sometimes feel guilty for harboring such lust for an animated character, but felt no guilt at all after seeing Lana in the little black dress.

Solid A From This Spy Buff
Well, Mr. TVDW might enjoy the office aspect of Archer, but I absolutely loved that this one was a pure spy caper. So many great movie homages and references.


Hee hee hee… "anals"