Supple Like Sloth

I was thinking I might hit the town tonight.
However, it appears I don't have a single article of clothing I could dress myself in.

Who are you? And how did you get in here?

To be that guy… Hank's "75-25" chance answer was actually to Laura's question "Is he going to be ok?", which actually makes Hank's answer even more heartbreaking.

Well, if it helps, I mailed him on work time, which means my productivity plunged.

Almost a great episode…
…but the poor editing before the Opening Credits, when you can actually clearly see the man controlling Chevy Chase's wheelchair by remote control, threw me off for the first 10 minutes. I kept thinking "Why not question the prop guy? He has the pen!!"

Great Call Back
Jenna showing her "NO Golden Globes" card, membership number included, nicely mirroring the No More Free Ice Cream card from the Grifters episode.

….and the fact that would be the last line of the movie made it even funnier. I can imagine it cutting from that to the credits and an "Elliott Smith"-knock-off song.

So, I decided to take the bull by the horns and just mail the composer, Rob Duncan, directly. He was awesomeness personified and responded in the hour. The actual lyrics to the first verse are, direct from the man's mouth:

I was willing to peg it on evil squirrels with a vendetta against Hank.

I believe I subscribe to a porn site called "Bus Buddies".

By the same token, there was a finality to Hank's parting with his ex-wife in last week's episode where I could totally buy them never having direct contact again. I've heard those words and have had those words spoken to me in that tone. The contrast between last week's breakup and this week's, emotionally, was so

It was almost a meta-moment, because that's exactly what we all said out loud at the same time. Damn, I get friggin' caught up in the moment with this show. It's almost like watching old Tarentino movies —there's always the tension that something big is going to go down, even in the most benign moments.

@fastandsloppy - I totally agree on the believability of that moment. I once heard some devastating news from someone I love while in a similar group situation, and it really felt like all sound and movement around me just stopped. So, the fact that Katie did the reveal in a whisper inaudible to the audience hammered

When Hank said "I don't", I actually fist-pumped the air. Then sheepishly realized I was sitting in the dark in nothing but boxer shorts. Hank's victories truly are my victories.

"God bless a show that trusts its audience" —The Bob The

In my defense, Sloths have poor eyesight.

I was thinking Jericho, where the hiatus pretty much killed any momentum they had gathered with fans.

Biggest Reference of ALL…
I actually had to have pointed out to be my Dad.

+10 internets to Adolph for quoting my favorite line from Office Space.

Best Guest Musical Act on the Muppet Show?
I vote for Alice Cooper doing "Welcome to my Nightmare"