Officer of Hearts

Pitchforkaddict, these are what I would introduce a newbie to:

Sounds like a winner

Yes, the end stage is that you don't ask the question any more as you have moved on to just plain old acceptance of the cold universe. But in the process of moving to that point of view, you spend time wondering how God could remain silent. It's part of the process of losing faith.

Really? Seems to be the "Why is God silent?" question is one of the integral questions in an atheist's coming to grips with a godless world.

Just because some of Bergman's characters have a belief in God (at the beginning of the movie at least…) does not mean the movie isn't made from an atheist point of view. Bergman was not a man of faith, and I believe he said that he lost his faith as a young child. I mean seriously, you haven't seen one Bergman movie

There is a reason why the title is the names of the two men. The movie, while obviously involving love, is truly about friendship. And to act like the movie is an unapologetic celebration of Catherine's character is ridiculous and makes me think you need to re-watch it. It is neither a celebration of her or a

Ha, I actually watched the episode in which you won.

Wow, nice grammar, Officer.

Well, Mudd's family has always trying to clear his name, but…

Correction: get people in the seats

Of course they're going to make the trailer more action packed. It's a trailer. It is made to keep people in the seats.

What I don't understand is people who don't get that 300's testosterone laden, ultra-fake style is Frank Miller's vision, and all Snyder did was put it on the screen.

AG on the newswire.

And yes I know he lives in New York, but I still think your point is invalid.

Ryan Adams isn't from New York. He's from North Carolina.

Well, being that Cruz is usually bad in American movies, Allen should get a little credit for getting a good performance from her, right?

Don't lie, boredlady, you would totally do Garfield.

I have Jeanne Moreau with a mustache tattooed on me. Based on the Criterion artwork, actually.

Benjamin Button's House O' Grits

I agree that Benjamin Button is better than Forrest Gump