Officer of Hearts

Haha Bon Iver better than Beach House. Funny stuff…funny stuff…

A shitty review?

Ohhh it's not classic denim. I see.

Apparently Urban Outfitters invented the denim jacket?

You've got dead ears, mate.

He could have just done nothing and left it alone. It was in place before he got elected and it wasn't a big deal. Instead he's going after it hard.

Uh no, it's not just because he had different political beliefs. It's that he was an evil asshole who's life work was to further disenfranchise the disenfranchised in scumbag ways.

So the president waging a ridiculous fight against medical marijuana calls The Wire his favorite TV show. Ok, asshole.

Island of Lost Souls not a great movie? Wrong, Hodgman, you fuck!

Not like Onibaba? Pffffffffffffffft.

Pitchfork had it right, so we'll dog on the AV Club instead.

The sax solo is AWESOME. What's wrong with you, man?!

No, it includes the second part of your sentence also. Introducing a people's democracy in place of a corporate state is part of the "change in this way." Once the people are organized the complete "change this way" program can be debated, which is what has happened, and a statement was put out by the group. Anyways,

Yeah, there is ample video and photographic evidence. It's all over the internet. Don't get testy just because you're not paying real attention. Here's just one video summing some of it up, you ass.

Yeah, anyone who has read the AV Club comments knows he's a yuppie shit.

Occupy has been completely non-violent. No one is forcing the cops to swarm downtown Manhattan. They have chose to do that themselves with no provocation. And they have attacked non-violent people.

I stated the it: a democracy of the people.

The Tea Party is a tool backed by corporate money.

For some reason it won't let me reply up there, so I will do it here.

We need a Saul Alinsky revival.