Officer of Hearts

If bottom-up democracy isn't a philosophy, then I guess no philosophy is being promoted.

His handle needs to be changed to YuppieScum.

Keep listening to that mainstream media.

You're both idiots.

Good to know we're inconveniencing you. When I get back down there I will tell them we're not loud enough.

Yeah, Bergman can't measure up to the likes of Spielberg or Scorsese!

Wow…isn't there some terrible right wing movie sight this article belongs on?

He's not saying Fellini's innovations were cliches. He's saying ripping them off had become cliche.

Skip, you maybe want to understand what Nabin is saying before going on a rant.

Yeah it's great

Eh, I love their second album.

stay thirsty for my friends, Netflix is all ready getting worse. I image that will continue with not even Blockbuster as real competition.

No, the Dr. is right, it is not available.

Blow and hookers don't pay for themselves, man.

I fucking hated this girl. I will never get why pretty much everybody loves her.

Is our brewer/patriot/critic going to fix this mistake?

I haven't seen Spite Marriage, but I found The Cameraman to be pretty enjoyable.

Voice of Reason, next time write a 5 page essay in the AV Club comment section so that Elitist Trash doesn't flip out like someone is killing puppies on his doorstep just because someone does not like a movie that he does, because, save for a few great scenes, it is much too lame and boring and long than it should be.

Yes, because if someone disagree with you naturally it is "hipster trolling." Can someone disagree without being called a fucking hipster?

"Every scene in the movie theatre? Amazing."