Ask Mr. Science

The opening credits…
It's an interesting concept, but isn't it just a variation on the opening credits of Napoleon Dynamite, with the names on book covers instead of written in plates of cafeteria food?

No, genius would be ACTUALLY getting people to drink his pee, or at least never revealing it was a hoax. Fat Mike is a fucking pussy.

"…what are the odds anyone will give a shit by that point?"
I think the real question is, "Does anyone give a shit now?" Fuck NOFX, and fuck Fat Mike. "Hmmm, I'm over 40, and my irrelevant band is becoming more irrelevant with every passing moment. What to do? Oh, I know! I'll dress up like a clown and convince people

J. Goo is correct.

Come to think of it, "Menomena" is the Latvian non-union equivalent.

Don't you mean "Mahna Mahna"?

I'd rather critique your critiques than whine about you not sharing my opinion of the episode. I also find it odd when anyone reviews something they don't like, be it a show, album or whatever.

That should say "…volunteered to sub for Sean and Josh just to review a show he basically gave up on…"

I get the feeling that…
…Mr. VanDerWerff volunteered (by his own admission) to sub for Sean and Josh reviewing a show he basically gave up on years ago for being lazy and having an "increasingly incoherant" philosophy. It's like he set out to pan the show, regardless of the content. It's right there in the "Stray

People have mentioned various gory scenes that caused walkouts during Grindhouse. I saw it three times at three different theaters, and at each screening at least two people walked out within the first 30 minutes of Death Proof. At two screenings, more people left after the first accident scene, but not because of it.

O'Neal FTW!
"…momentary lapse into candor…"

They'll reboot the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake franchise to make it grittier and more realistic.

You got chocolate in my peanut butter
You got peanut butter in my chocolate.
Put them together, they taste like crap.

Strawed berry?

Oh Zack,…
Really? A childhood in Maine and all you can remember is the Funtown ad (infectious though it is)? If you lived anywhere south of Lewiston, you'd have to remember Central Maine Power's saftey ads with the hick-sounding guy in the cherrypicker. "Nevah evah touch a downed powah line. Evah." That ad ran from

Raimi's always chalked it up to grudges (no pun intended) held by the Jack Valenti-era MPAA. In the late-80s and early-90s, there was a big backlash against directors who'd released movies unrated. Raimi and Co. released the first two Evil Dead movies unrated because the MPAA wouldn't give them an R without

"When you said 'panic' I didn't think you meant 'hang me.'"

Hey kid!
(Draws gun)
I'll make you famous.

"The council's gonna knock the house down tomorrow!"
"Well that's no reason to hassle me on the toilet!"

"When we moved in here, we agreed that you would do the cooking and the cleaning, and I would take care of the plants and goldfish, remember?"
"Yeah, and what did you make me cook on that first night?"
"Sausages. It was a Tuesday."
"Sausages and..?"
"(Sigh) Sausages and plants and goldfish!"