J.P. Smartre

I think you've hit the nail right on the head with that one.

Now you've got me all excited for a big, splashy HBO production of the Gormenghast books.

Given that the word "meme" is actually a long-established sociological term referring to a packet of information transmitted via culture, the idea that "memes" are in fact just Impact-font words over a photograph is, itself, a meme. (Picture this written in over a photo of Sudden Clarity Clarence.)

Maybe he meant Ronnie-James-Dio-morphs, in that they step into the series partway through as a replacement, and are OK, but never nearly as good.

Let us trash-lit nerds have our fun for a few minutes. I'm sure we'll be back to our regularly scheduled Marvel updates shortly.
EDIT: See, for example, the next two entries in the Newswire.

Go easy on @Dikachu:disqus. What you say about his company is what you say about society.

"Personal freedoms infringed: Dial 555-5555, or, vote Republican."

Yeah, I feel like they went through that last time with Joel Kim Booster.

I feel like he was putting it on. Who knows who Danny Glover is but can't think of the name "Lethal Weapon"? Either he was faking it, or Ben Folds has the most boring DVD collection in the world.

Didn't a moose once bite her?

I think Murray was counting on the comments section to pick up that slack. And it has delivered!

Right, but it's only a trailer. I trust that, just after this cut away, Yen dropped a cartoonish one-tonne weight on that guy.

There's actually a metal band called Xenophobe, and that's also the title of an album by Zao (you're welcome for that one as well).

Much like his other begotten son, Roger Ebert, God only loves Kevin Kline in comedies.

Think about it: When has a character on this show ever worn a parka? Canada won't get behind a show like that.

Ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?

They've got you covered Sunday night at 9:30 on Channel 3.

It was a long scuttle to get to that punchline.

"… which is pretty bad-ass."

True story: I read this and thought, 'Meh, I've already got it.' Then I realized I only have it on tape, so I can only listen to it in my car. I suspect I'm not alone there.