Yeah, that line about the Daleks and Time-Lords, who can tell the difference… Damn
Seriously, why can't they bring him back for an episode or mini-arc? It would be fantasic seeing him bounce off Capaldi.
Torchwood: Children of Earth is how torchwood should have been.
Thumbs up for mention of Madame De Pompadour.
Which scene has been parodied more? MI - Vault, or Matrix Bullet Time?
David sounds Cross, man.
Or, if you're looking at the movie, half.
Cobalt's Slow Forever remains my pick for metal album of the year, narrowly ahead of Ihsahn (although I fully expect Meshuggah will knock them off.)
Honestly though not a whole lot of new metal has crossed my ears this year
Fuck yeah, Khemmis. Can't wait for the newie
Damn shame, but probably the right time
Suggestions noted with thanks.
Never mind that shit, here comes Mongo!
I knew there wasn't a fucking chance I'd get to any of them :(
" 'Scuse me while I whip this out!"
And with all her toes intact!
And now I've just remember PSH is gone too.
Well, at least they're together up in heaven now, with Brandt as his witness.