- Commissioner Gordon, AKA the dumbest cop ever.
- Commissioner Gordon, AKA the dumbest cop ever.
Is it going to just depress the fuck outta me?
Phew, that's a relief! Can you imagine what would happen if we didn't? Proxy wars and quagmires for all!
They crowbared in some of the Eagle Squadron stuff from the Battle of Britain into that God-awful Michael Bay Pearl Harbour movie, didn't they?
Yeah we're basically all snarking at the dude for making that (probably honest) mistake, and then the talk just grew organically.
"Boy, they're going to be embarrassed when they realize Italy's fighting for the wrong side!"
*Puts $20 bill back in pocket*
But the Allies got along fine after the war, right?
Russo-Georgian War, Russian Annexation of Crimea, basically, the entire fucking middle east….
Apparently Batman was Bruce Wayne the whole time.
Well, the good news is, after you finish Blueprint to Armageddon (…and have a shower and a good sob, because, damn) You can listen to his WW2 counterpart series "Ghosts of the Ostfront"
It just focuses on the German/Russian Eastern front, and holy Jesus fuck, it's just as depressing and futile. (But mercifully shorter)
But DO they… ?
"..Now, look, I'm no historian - I'm just a lover of extreme Thrash metal…"
[/obscure Dan Carlin joke]
Oh, look, they fucking ethnically cleansed. Opps. Bad kittys!
Go one further step back - There's a direct through-line from the French Revolution, to Napoleon, the Franco- Prussian war, and then to WW1.
And from WW1, you get the rise of Communism, the state of Europe and the inevitability of WW2, the clusterfucking of the Middle East (Thanks Skyes!) post-colonial Africa designed…
Oh good pickup. Brainfart. Yes I'm talking about BTA.
Countdown to Extinction is his 4 hour look at 1980's thrash Metal [*citation needed]
(But, you should totally fucking listen to it. All 18 bloody hours of it)