
Hardcore History's WW1 series "Blueprint to Armegeddon" fucking ruined me. Just an overwhleming sense of waste and futility.

Studio has notes!
Has Nolan considered a whacky, sassy black side-kick?

I can guarantee you, this will NOT be an accurate WWI movie, at all.

In fairness, Dunkirk (And much of the European theater, pre D-Day) is relatively unknown in American pop-culture.

Chilling use of the infamous Stuka dive sirens.

I really, really hate ths fucking band.

With all the fucking, and such.

Counter-point: Apparently, he's not even a real Doctor.

Even more concerning, the urine in your blood

Indeterminate flavour? Did you try licking them?

Considering Liaka's track record (Coraline and ParaNorman were both fantastic) this is absolutely on my must see list.

Oh, you poor poor man.

It's not governed by reason in this country!

And most heinous of all, Kenny Rogers Chicken had notorious Kenny Rogers as their namesake.

Righteo then.

"In September 2011, the state of Texas abolished all special last-meal requests after condemned prisoner Lawrence Russell Brewer requested a huge last meal and did not eat any of it, saying he was not hungry. His last-meal request was for a plate of two chicken-fried steaks with gravy and sliced onions, a triple-patty

Oh, you're OK for us to say what we will about Ted Bundy? You sure? Because I was holding back until you gave us the OK.

Solid choice.

Are you suggesting it was a deliberate cross-promotional ploy for KFC?