
Why torn?


Especially hen you masturbated to it…

Far to many mates of mine went down there and saw him, those jerks. (I work on the other side of the city.)


That 3rd movie really is utter garbage.

They fuck twice, she graphically recalls the fist time hes all wild eyed and weirdly frenzied, even after he's "finished"

Not trying - they do.
She takes off her panties while at the restaurant, after they plan to go to a hotel room and bang.

He's happened.

Also, apropos of nothing, that assistant was hot.

*Crooked Hillary.

I'm dying to know why you "needed" to look up "Chainsaw"

I hear ya.

Thought they stuck soe tobasco sauce up there…

There's a great youtube clip of a documentarian interrupting some shagging tortoises.

Fuck you, young person

How'd he feel about that time he {REDACTED} his mother?

Morgan Freeman?

Hot Take: Fuck, Ledger was a good fucking joker.

One of the saddest moments of my adult life (not related to relatives passing, or beloved TV shows being cancelled) was returning to watch Ghostbusters 2 after 12 years and realizing how bad it was :(