Rob Davies

Alternately, Vaatu merges with the Avatar and the two spirits resume their balance/battle internally.

-The Harmonic Convergence: That's some Disney's Hercules shit right there.
-I dunno, for a Lovecraftian hellbeast Vaatu's lazer eyes seemed kinda weak. He hit Wan directly like four times and just seemed to push him around a bit. Then again, he also goes on about how fighting him gives him strength. For Korra's sake I

A huge quality bump this episode, and a much better sense of purpose for the season. Just compare the cliffhangers: "AMNESIA!" vs. "fate of the world at risk while humans fight among themselves". I guess this also means the amnesia thing is done with. I was prepared to like or hate it but I guess it only lasted maybe

Fine. You Wan this round. Next Wan's on us.

Or it could be like a lot of movie effects where the real thing (the sound of actual horse hooves/people being punched/etc.) seems less realistic than the fakery.

You might be thinking "war profiteer".

It DID establish "Water Tribe!…" Southside!

I thought they were bent in all three ways.

Varrick is also actually pretty funny in his dopey shenanigans. Bolin hasn't been.

I imagine the amnesia is so she can spend some time NOT knowing she's the avatar, and develop from there. I'll reserve judgment until I see how well it's handled, but it seems like a bit of a cop-out to pull her off her high horse instead of letting her step down.

Amnesia is one of those twists that would make for a very interesting story with real people but seems kind of trite because it's only ever done with sitcom characters. Like the "switched at birth" cliché, which also actually happens in real life but has almost never been written well.
I hope your six-year-old gets his

It's funny how over-the-top obviously-a-villain propaganda Unalaq is basically just normal Unalaq in eyeliner. You writers aren't going to fool anyone into thinking he's subtle by comparison!

"This might not be a great time but-"

The theme of the episode was accepting very minor problems as part of life, without ignoring them or blowing them out of proportion. Fun for one watch, anyway.

Well, he did put "correct" in scare quotes. I don't think he was being dogmatic about it.

I'm expecting Asami to cameo on a milk carton next episode.

Crying a single streaming tear while on a speedboat is death twice over.

-"Best and worst mentor": Oh, yes. That's going to a fun shoe when it drops.

A lot reasonable, level-headed politicians are dicks up close. I imagine more amenable people buck to the pressures/privileges of the job. In the same way, a lot of deeply selfish people in authority are personally charming and loyal to their circle of friends/enablers, if not to their constituents. If the President's

@avclub-898c87055d282d42845c71c13eb81990:disqus : Bumi's been telling war stories about carrying wounded men down mountains on his back, etc. It wouldn't surprise me if they do a Big Fish-style confirmation that he actually IS a great leader.