Rob Davies

She says "the first MAN". She did shank that one kid way back in King's Landing.

What is Mhysa referring to? I never heard the word used.

Whatchu know about rockin' a wolf on your noggin?

Might, cunning and deception don't always win in real life, because nothing ALWAYS wins in real life. As far as the show goes, Tywin is winning so far, but his children hate him and his biggest allies are all either idiots or known backstabbers. Not to mention Tywin is completely dismissing all reports of dragons and

If he had, we would have seen it. It doesn't jibe at all with his redemption arc anyway.

The Boltons seem to be serial killers to a man anyway, so I don't know where this faith in their law and order is coming from.

Hey, yeah! They were allies-on-paper until Ned died. Cat obviously knew what it meant, but why was everyone else so blindsided?

Nah, Daddy Bolton took over this one.

The Blackfish left to piss, which is a pretty irrelevant detail to throw in if he was going to die anyway.

I'm sure someone made this one already but:
That was a very successful Dothraki wedding.

Same with the Blackfish. Although if he is alive, that is one long piss.

Is Balon Greyjoy even a thing?

"Hello. I'm Walder Frey. This is my daughter Walda and this is my other daughter Walda."
You could figure out where this one was going as soon as the started playing the Lannister theme music, but stabbing the shit out of Talisa's baby bumb still made me sweat. That was just gross.

We haven't seen the Tyrells poison or "accident" away anyone onscreen, but we do know Olenna's husband died in a hunting accident, and she seems like the type to hide it in plain sight by making it a joke about his stupidity.

Jaime getting is hand cut off is the probably the other big one, although it brings up the other theme - lost opportunities making us reconsider what we still have.

Finn, from experience: "That road you're on - leads to nowhere".

I'm not bragging, I just find it weird the scene played like having a few leeches on you was some horrible torture. It would be WEIRD, definitely, but he was tougher facing actual, rat-gnawing-through-flesh torture last year.

Tywin's got to fuck up some day. I could see him being poised to win everything and having a stroke or something. He can't blackmail age.

Littlefinger pulled the same shit in season 2. Obviously there's some high-speed rail the people behind the throne keep under wraps.
Edited for clarity.

I third that. To me his lack of social grace reads less like "he's a dickhead" and more like "no one in Westeros knows what Asberger's is".