Rob Davies

Her becoming a giant was so perfect for that marriage scene I'm starting to think they've been feeding her HGH.

@avclub-e5c9a9b84b65dfc5ba62c677aefc5d4a:disqus : Marriage at a young age may be common, but if Westeros follows real life, sex shouldn't be. Most of these old-timey arranged marriages didn't produce children until the participants were at fairly sane, acceptable ages.

Man, I'd have loved to see a few reaction shots from Varys during this little Lannister family drama.

Well, there's a reason she was caught off guard bathing instead of being caught off guard sleeping or eating grapes or whatever.

I grew up swimming in a lake with fresh water leeches. What I'm saying is that Gendry is a big, whiny baby. They don't even hurt mate!

The Night's Watch have Mormont's back.

You know, if I was asked where I was being tortured, my first answer would be "the Dreadfort". Even if the Dreadfort wasn't a place I'd even heard of. Theon knows there is a place named Dreadfort and that they are allied with his enemies. Why this isn't even in his top 3 guesses is beyond me.

No no, he's given up on Cat and is just trying to get with the next best thing, who is also as young and chaste as I imagine his fantasy of Catelyn is.

How was that brainless? What possible benefit is there for her to say he's cool and let them find out how psychotic Joffrey is on their own? Especially since they are her best ticket out of there and away from him?

Joffrey killing Ros while she is bound and helpless has a weird tie to Arya practicing archery on that straw man.

I agree with RedScarab. Since they know he's insane, the best way to handle it would be to marry him, get pregnant ASAP, and then bump him off.

Robb and his wife are theoretically a romantic pairing.

Robb DID apologize, but he's doing a terrible job of convincing anyone he's worth the effort.

"They can't be hard to find!"

It was a medieval belief that conception required both participants to orgasm. Most of what we think of as Medieval misconceptions about female sex stems from 18th-19th century reactions to the syphilis epidemic.

And there's no reason for that to stop, assuming she doesn't find arm stumps a turn-off. Why is this marriage to openly-known-to-be-gay Loras supposed to squelch the incest rumors again?

(This is my first comment)
Wasn't he the guy they found near dead a few episodes ago? He sure adjusted quickly.