
Too much time in the comment section, not enough time copy editing?

It's not like we took a vow or something never to change our minds about Dexter.

Can I join the party?

I'll second that suggestion. I thought it was more accessible than The Wire (don't hate me) and it really delivered all the way through to the end.

Liked fo non-superfluous reference to Aristotelian syllogisms in a Dexter forum. I need to go learn something.

@avclub-7168bb1710a8992c120e727bad9f9df8:disqus Oh great, now you done gone and gave him ideas. Now he's calling us all sorts of mean names (well the people who don't agree that Dexter is still great, anyway).

Only people who agree with fatvirgin and pigsheadonastick et. al are entitled to express their opinions. All who disagree are biased, myopic, fickle, and generally prone to hyperbole and false accusations, and should keep their opinions to themselves. This is my design.

@avclub-9d05c3d3dba8ab2af15e074d75ac9638:disqus They don't need strong evidence to convict him, he's black.

Unrelenting amnesia is actually a plausible explanation for the characters' decisions this season.

Noo Aaron you fell right into fatvirgin's trap! When you're a spy, making false accusations to see where your opponent's weak points are is all part of the strategy.

Too bad Dexter wasn't cured by his parent's love, Harrison's love, Lila's love, Deb's love, Rita and Cody's love, or Vogel's and Rudy's love. Good thing he met Hannah, she must have some really special type of love'.

No, it couldn't be her, because ''fake avatars'' are clearly far beneath her standards, and I don't think she is really a Japanese midget with a growth on her head.

Jake I like your contributions even if I don't agree, please don't go away yet…There's room for all kinds here and disagreeing with each other can be great fun. Keep it up and I am sure you will see.

Emotions make me do stupid things all the time.

Why are you picking Hannibal apart instead of just enjoying it? People come here to be fanboys and girls, not to just be snarky about shows that are very popular. If they are popular they must be good. right? So stop trying to be a psuedo-intellectual and just enjoy it as the writers intended.

Except for how she totally murdered someone for no reason.

I really hope that your predictions are correct but I think the main gripe here is that it doesn't seem that he will ever face consequences for his actions. Also that it would be a real piss-off to have something so climactic happening when there is no time for follow-up.

@lafergs How do we know if most people watch right away or not? And isn't it easier just to make a spoiler warning before including the spoiler, then everyone is happy?

ˈīrənē,ˈiərnē/noun1.the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.